Northwest Womens Network Bylaws


1. To establish an effective referral system through the exchange of leads and networking information;

2. To encourage referrals to community businesses;

3. To promote a high standard of professionalism and integrity.


1. Businesses represented in this association must be ethical and professional;

2. We believe that members who are actively helping other businesses succeed will receive support, leads, and new business themselves.


1. Any woman* engaged in a business or profession may become a member of this association.

2. Only one representative is allowed for each business type or professional category. A new business may not compete with any incumbent member’s business category.

3 At the time of application, a perspective member must provide a copy of her business transaction privilege tax license, business license, or professional license, if applicable.

4. Guests are invited to attend 2 meetings to become acquainted with our group. The 3rd meeting they attend they will be asked to make a presentation (up to 30 minutes) on their business/services. They can submit their application at that time. The 3 meetings attended must be within a one (1) month time period.

5. Membership dues, when paid each quarter, signify agreement to and compliance with the association’s bylaws

6. A new member must not compete with any active member.

7. Membership is accepted by a simple majority vote of the members.

8. Members are limited to representing no more than two (2) business categories. Each category must pay the application fee and quarterly dues. Members representing more than one category are required to provide only one lead per meeting.

9. When a member is separated from active employment she may remain in good standing for three (3) months if dues are kept current, and when within that time period she secures new employment in her category and reapplies for continued membership.

10. Each category in good standing has one (1) vote.

11. Each member has the goal of actively securing at least one (1) quality lead per week for any other active member.

12. Attendance:

  • A. All members will be regular in attendance.
  • B. Except for vacations or extenuating circumstances, only 3 consecutive or 7 total absences per year are permitted. However a substitute may pass on and receive leads in the name of the member, but may not vote on any measure. Male substitutes are permitted.
  • C. The member will be dropped from membership and the business category will be reopened for excessive absences.

13. Should any member have a concern regarding another member’s continued membership, the following is recommended:

  • A. State your concern to the member directly.
  • B. Present your concern to the Board.
  • C. The Board will address the concern, with the member.
  • D. The Board will inform the member in question that if the situation continues, their dues for the next quarter will not be accepted.
  • E. The last meeting for each quarter will include a silent vote regarding any member that has been met with by the Board and the situation remains. A simple majority no vote shall remove the member in question. The Facilitator will inform the member to not attend the meeting for that week and that she will be contacted regarding ongoing membership.

14. Multi-level recruiting/sales are not acceptable services for NWN membership.

15. Should a member resign from NWN and desire to rejoin she must comply with the following:

  • A. All new application provisions apply including, but not limited to, the non-compete provision limiting membership to one per professional or service category.
  • B. No application for membership will be considered for anyone who has applied, been accepted, and joined the organization three times.
  • C. For each professional or service category, must be established as evidenced by a transaction privilege tax license, business license, or professional certification/license.
  • D. The initial application fee will be same as those for any new applicant.

16. A current member may switch business categories, provided the new category is available. A member may not change categories more than three (3) times and no more often than once (1) a year. If a member switches categories, all the rules for an initial application apply. An application fee will be required and the member must provide evidence that business is valid business by providing a copy of transaction privilege tax license, business license, or professional licensing/certification.

Honorary membership status may be granted by a simple majority vote by the membership to an existing member. An honorary membership is extended to the individual woman herself, and not to her particular category of business or service. Therefore, it is not category exclusive. The business or service category previously occupied by an honorary member will be re-opened as available. An honorary membership is a non-voting membership without the obligation of dues (dues shall be waived) or attendance requirements. It is an “earned privilege,” and may be bestowed for a variety of reasons, including the retirement of a member, ongoing physical limitations, or other factors deemed worthy of consideration by the membership. The purpose of an honorary membership is to promote the sustaining of personal relationships and social connections within the general membership.

Leave of Absence

A member may request a leave of absence not to exceed 3 months. If approved the member will be excused from attending meetings and paying weekly leads dues. The category will remain closed during this time.

At the end of the leave of absence (not to exceed 3 months), the member can return to the group or may request a continuation, of the leave of absence, for an additional quarter. Leaves will be granted for only one quarter at a time, for a maximum of two quarters, by a vote of the membership.


1. There is an initial application fee of $125.00 per category. A company can have more than one person as a member. Only one application fee is required, but each person pays quarterly dues and is responsible for leads.

  • A. The application fee includes the dues for the new member’s first quarter or fraction of a quarter, a business card book, and a nametag.
  • B. Payment of the application fee may be spread over one (1) year. The first $25.00 must accompany the application.
  • C. The remaining $100.00 may be paid at $34.00 per quarter, in addition to the regular quarterly dues.

2. Quarterly dues are $25.00 and must be paid on the first meeting of the first month of each quarter (January, April, July, October).

3. Additional revenue for special projects, printing or administrative costs will be addressed as needed.

  • A. The request for additional funds will be presented to the members and the amount will be voted on by a majority of members.
  • B. Fees will be obtained through an equal assessment of the members.

4. Fees, dues, and assessments are not refundable to members or companies.

5. Members are in good standing when dues, fees, and assessments are currently paid.


1. Regular meetings are held every Wednesday from 7:30 am to 8:30 am and will be kept at 60 minutes in duration.

  • A. The Facilitator will acknowledge a speaker after the member has raised her hand.
  • B. Socializing is encouraged AFTER the meeting is concluded.

2. A quorum constitutes 51% of all members in good standing.

3. Board meetings and special meetings may be called by the Facilitator or by a committee chairwoman for her committee.

4. Smoking is not permitted during the meetings.

Election of Officers

1. An annual meeting will be held in December to elect new officers. The new officers will take over their offices at the first meeting in January.

2. A nominee for any board position must be a member in good standing for at least one (1) year prior to elections.

Duties of Officers

Officers include: Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The term of office will be for one (1) year, from January through December. The four officers of the association comprise the Executive Committee.


Principle officer of the association and the duties include presiding at regular meetings and Executive Committee meetings.
Appointing standing and special committee chairpersons with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Brings to the attention of the association all pertinent information.


Performs the duties of the Facilitator in the Facilitator’s absence and acts in an advisory capacity to the Facilitator.
Responsible for membership and public relations functions.
Becomes Facilitator for unexpired term in the event of resignation, etc. of the Facilitator.


Preserves a permanent file of all records and letters to the association and officers including the treasurer’s reports.
Keeps a list of names, addresses, and occupations of all members.
Conducts correspondence and correspondence duties of the association.
Takes minutes at each meeting.


Responsible for all monies of the association and presents a financial report at the first meeting of each month.
Pays all bills authorized by the Facilitator.
Keeps an itemized record in a permanent file of all receipts and expenditures.
Reports to the Facilitator on the last meeting of each month the currently paid membership status.

Acknowledgement of ByLaws

I have read the Bylaws of the Northwest Women’s Network, and agree to abide by the conditions set therein.

Bylaws acknowledgement form

(After reading the ByLaws, please enter email address, sign above and click submit.)

* The terms “woman,” “she” and “her” are used throughout for convenience of language, and do not imply gender exclusivity.