Notes from January 30, 2019 Meeting


Dear Everybody,

We had a lively meeting and solved some problems.

Ami’s phone started behaving after Natalie laid hands on it. Lupe recalled her concerns with a skeevy business with a similar trade name, and we told her that she should exercise diligence, stay on alert, and not do anything at this point.

Susan Riedel passed around copies of the current Modern Woodmen magazine, and fridge magnets with helpful information. And Brooke said that if you eat at the Panda Express at 83rd Avenue and Lake Pleasant today, it will benefit Leena’s dance group. She also mentioned that Leena did extremely well in her recent competition.

We also talked about the newsletter for February 2019. A copy should have reached your inbox last night. If it didn’t, it is probably in your spam filter. Please dig it out. Or, you can find it on Facebook, and in the Newsletter Archive on the website at

The only way the newsletter will do any of us any good is if somebody reads it (including you!). We have a number of at-large members, and the newsletter is an excellent way to keep up. Please forward the newsletter to anybody you think might be interested. And if you have somebody who would enjoy being on the mailing list for every issue, we will be happy to include their email address on our mailing list.

Share on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social media platform you prefer. But please don’t just let the newsletter sit idle. It’s another tool in your promotional she-shed.

Nest week, the raffle is being sponsored by Wendy Terrell with all proceeds going to the Prom Boutique for Ironwood High School. She is still calling for prom-appropriate dresses and accessories.

Have a great rest of the week, enjoy the Super Bowl, and be very glad that we don’t live in the Midwest right now.

Jody Serey