Notes from February 13, 2019 Meeting


Dear Everybody,

We were missing several regulars because of a variety of circumstances, but we still had a lively gathering.

Brooke reported that Leena’s dance company is having several events, and she promised to keep us supplied with dates and places. She said that competitions have been full of rewards and prizes for Leena, and life as a dance mom for Brooke is eventful.

Wendy Terrell arrived with a very handsome and well-mannered young man that she said was Easton, her grandson — except it couldn’t possibly have been him because this boy was five years old and had lost his front teeth already. He was also inching up in height on his alleged grandmother. Whoever this fine young man is, we hope he visits again with Wendy.

Lupe Encinas of Goodies Glass was presented with a $2,500 check from Modern Woodmen’s own Susan Riedel, which will benefit the kids at the Westside Recreational Program’s Annual Children’s Christmas Party. The check matched funds raised in kind by Lupe’s charity. We congratulate Lupe, and thank her for all the work she does on behalf of the children of the West Valley.

And speaking of Lupe – we are lucky to have her back from Mexico. She and Nacho and his brother made their way to Nacho’s father’s funeral. They rolled the dice on every contingency imaginable, including going without all the paperwork usually required to get back and forth without incident. Lupe reported that they were stopped six times on the way down, three times on the way back – each stop endangering them and the physical custody of their vehicle. She also reported that Mexico is in a very frightening state currently, and although they were safe in a hotel, there was a lot of violence (including multiple murders) about two blocks from where they were staying. She said please don’t go to Mexico right now. The good news is that they made it to the funeral on time, despite the odds being against them. And they made it home without any of us needing to bribe anybody over the border. We have asked Lupe to please consider that some of us are older and can’t afford the shock to our systems if she ends up in the hoosegow in Mexico. And, at some of our ages, “life in prison” wouldn’t take all that long.

Landrie Stahl is having hip surgery on Friday to repair damage incurred during the accident in May. We are hopeful that all goes with boring precision and she experiences a completely unexciting recovery. We also know that this is not her usual style, and will refer her to some of the requests we have made to Lupe. Please tone it down for the senior members of the sacred circle.

Susan Fitzgerald’s latest newsletter is out for Wild Horse Promotions. If you haven’t received a copy, it is available on Facebook and the website. The link is

Speaking of websites – now has the notes from meetings AND the agendas. Even if you can’t make it to a meeting, you can stay in touch to a certain extent. There is no substitute from actually being face to face with the people who really do care about you and your business. Some groups say they do, and they really don’t. We say we do, and we really do.

Have a great rest of the week. Keep a kind thought for Judy Haenel as she fends off panicked guys buying red roses for Valentine’s Day – and don’t forget to be kind to your own Valentine. Life is short and shaky. Don’t miss a single hair-raising moment of any of it.

Jody Serey